What is an Outpatient Detox?
A medication-assisted outpatient detox is designed to help you clean out your system of drugs or alcohol without having to check in for inpatient services.
At Genesis New Beginning, you can undergo an outpatient detox only after a thorough medical evaluation to make sure you don’t need closer supervision. For example, if you’ve been a heavy drinker for a number of years, alcohol withdrawal can pose a health risk in the form of seizures, hallucinations, and so on.
Expert Outpatient Detoxification Program
The outpatient detox program at Genesis New Beginning helps with both the acute symptoms as well as long-term withdrawal side effects. To give you an idea of how long you may suffer withdrawal symptoms, the following are a few examples:
With medical oversight and the right medications, the team at Genesis New Beginning can expertly guide you through your detox.

What Are the Common Side Effects of Detox?
The answer to this question largely depends upon the type of substance you have a problem with. By and large, the most common side effects of withdrawal across all substances include:
The medications that Genesis New Beginning provides help offset some of these side effects.
What Medications Are Offered for Detox?
To ease the detox process, Genesis New Beginning offers the following medications:
In addition to these medications, the addiction specialists give you a list of things you can do to help your detox at home, including hot baths, natural sleep aids, and over-the-counter medications for any digestive issues you may encounter. The staff is also available for any questions you may have during your outpatient detox.
While detoxing isn’t easy, it’s one of the best things you can do for your health and well-being. To learn more, call Genesis New Beginning to set up a consultation.
What is Substance Abuse?
In the broadest of definitions, substance abuse describes the use of body-and mind-altering substances in a way that is dangerous to physical and mental health and wellness. Addiction may or may not be part of the abuse, since people can abuse substances without necessarily forming an addiction. The most common substance abuse problems include:
When addiction is part of the picture, it means that your brain and body chemistry have become altered or rewired, and the harmful substance takes over your life in innumerable and unsustainable ways.
Left untreated or unchecked, substance abuse problems rarely resolve themselves on their own and only get worse over time, making it harder to treat the longer the abuse has taken hold. However, that’s not to say that there aren’t plenty of effective treatments and programs that can help.
How is Substance Abuse Treated?
At Genesis New Beginning, the team of mental health experts, is passionate about helping their patients find relief from substance abuse. They understand that addiction is a disease that needs to be treated properly from every angle.
To accomplish this, Genesis New Beginning offers:
While substance abuse is a disease, behavioral issues play a large role in your dependence, so it’s important that you engage in several different therapies and programs to rewire your brain for long-lasting results, even after the physical addiction is remedied.

What is Outpatient Care?
One of the most important components of substance abuse and addiction treatment is good outpatient care, which Genesis New Beginning makes available to its patients. Outpatient care is critical for accountability, ongoing medical management, and mental health oversight.
Genesis New Beginning offers drug and alcohol testing to keep patients on track, as well as continued education and therapy to make sure you or your loved one continue the necessary work on a daily basis.
Substance abuse can have a far-reaching effect on loved ones surrounding the problem. In addition to treating the patient, Genesis New Beginning also offers family counseling for support.
To get the help you or a loved one needs for substance abuse, call Genesis New Beginning or schedule a consultation using the online booking tool.
What Constitutes LGBTQ?
Until recently, sexual orientation and gender identity were classified under LGBT, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. With the addition of the “Q,” which stands for queer and questioning, the community acknowledged the difficulty and confusion that comes with sexual orientation and gender identity.
Supporters of the group emphasize the inclusive nature of the community, which accepts anyone who may not fit the traditional view of gender and sexuality.
What Supportive Services Are Offered for the LGBTQ Community?
The stigma, prejudice, and discrimination surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity go back hundreds, if not thousands, of years in human history. Today, American society as a whole is only just beginning to understand and accept the LGBTQ community, but there’s still a long way to go.
At Genesis New Beginning, the compassionate team of experts understands the problems that you face and offers specialized support services, ensuring that you get the health services you need without judgment or discrimination.
To give you an idea of the scope of the problem, the LGBTQ community is three times as likely to suffer from mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, which largely stem from fear, harassment, and lack of acceptance. Many who associate with the LGBTQ community face abuse, discrimination, and rejection, even from their closest family and friends, which is where Genesis New Beginning can help.
If you find yourself in this group, Genesis New Beginning offers group counseling, therapy, and case management, giving you a safe place to get the services you need.
What Health Services Are Provided for the LGBTQ Community?
In addition to providing mental health and support services, Genesis New Beginning is a full medical facility that offers:
Whatever your medical needs, specialized or not, the team at Genesis New Beginning can provide care or point you in the right direction.
To explore the LGBTQ services at Genesis New Beginning, please call or use the online scheduler to book an appointment.
Why Do Veterans Need Specialized Services?
Upending your life to serve your country is a noble calling, but it can come with a cost. If you’ve spent months or years on foreign soil, getting plugged back in upon your return can be difficult. While it’s easy enough to unpack your bags, the trauma you may have experienced during your service creates emotional and mental baggage that isn’t so easily shed.
Unfortunately, many veterans suffer from mental disorders after they return to civilian life, where seemingly no one understands what they’ve been through. In fact, studies show that one in four active soldiers show signs of mental health problems, which are only exacerbated after they return home. That’s where specialized veteran services come in.
In an effort to address the unique needs of soldiers returning from service, the licensed clinical social workers at Genesis New Beginning offer a sanctuary where your needs are understood and met, from coping mechanisms to finding employment and housing.

What Mental Health Services Are Offered?
Consider this: Approximately 22 veterans take their own lives every single day in the United States, and the rate of depression among veterans is five times higher than it is in civilians. These numbers are why Genesis New Beginning offers a number of mental health services to address the problems that affect returning military personnel, including:
Every veteran is different, and the medical professionals at Genesis New Beginning tailor a plan to each individual patient that may include:
The licensed psychiatrists and therapists at Genesis New Beginning understand the far-reaching effects that military service can have on veterans who are trying to rebuild their lives. They also understand that problems like PTSD, depression, and substance abuse are often connected and rarely go away on their own, which is why help is critical.
What Other Services Are Offered?
On any night in the United States, around 40,000 veterans make up America’s homeless population. The veteran specialists at Genesis New Beginning understand what resources to tap for housing, allowing veterans to take the first step toward regaining their lives.
If you or a loved one needs veteran services, call Genesis New Beginning or use the online scheduling tool to book an appointment.
Veteran Liaison services are available. The founders not only hire veterans, but we work hard for them at no cost. Some of those services include but are not limited to assisting with HUD-VASH applications, assisting with disability percentage increase paperwork, assisting with filing a petition for discharge status change, and helping seek free social services.
MAT (Medicated Assisted Treatment) Q & A
What MAT services are available?
A medication-assisted outpatient program is designed to help you obtain and maintain sobriety from drugs or alcohol without having to check in for inpatient services.
At Genesis New Beginning, you can undergo MAT medical assessment with a licensed Nurse Practitioner or Medical Doctor, only after a thorough medical evaluation to make sure, you don’t need closer supervision. For example, if you’ve been a heavy drinker for a number of years, alcohol withdrawal can pose a health risk in the form of seizures, hallucinations, and so on.
The MAT program at Genesis New Beginning helps with both the acute symptoms as well as long-term withdrawal side effects. To give you an idea of how long you may suffer withdrawal symptoms, the following are a few examples:
With medical oversight and the right medications, the team at Genesis New Beginning can expertly guide you through your MAT program.
What Medications Are Offered for MAT?
To ease the sobriety process, Genesis New Beginning offers the following medications:
In addition to these medications, the addiction specialists give you a list of things you can do to help stay sober in an outpatient setting. The staff is also available for any questions you may have during your consults.
To learn more, call Genesis New Beginning to set up a consultation or fill out the form online.
STD Testing Q & A
What is STD testing?
Regular testing for sexually transmitted infections is another important measure you can take to safeguard your health and the health of others. While you may not experience any symptoms, you can still pass an STD on to others.
Another reason to undergo regular testing is that most STDs can be easily treated if they’re detected early, allowing you to avoid potential problems down the road. Genesis New Beginning offers free STD screening for: